Sunday, October 02, 2005

Pain in the arse!



Ghone said...

Oh, what a week..

My 5 year old daughter who has enough 'fun' in her life coping with Rett Syndrome now also has Diabetes to deal with!

Blogging will have to take a back seat for a while, so I wont be posting a new photo every day.
Quality not quantity perhaps?

Dangerous said...

looking at the needle's I assume type2 Diabetic, Did you know you can get needle free pens? It might be more "stress free" for your daughter. I also find lucozade very handy for a "quick" temp recovery,leave one in the car.

Diane said...

I'm hope your daughter adjusts quickly to her insulin therapy.

You have some amazing pictures here.

Ilva said...

I'm sorry to hear this Ghone! Hope you are all coping. Who cares about photos everyday at moment like that, we have all you old photos to go back to anyway! And they deserve to get another look!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of all of you.....

Ghone said...

My daughter does have Type 1 Diabetes.
Dangerous once more has his facts wrong! Bless him, he does mean well!

Dangerous said...

Ghone Mark this Day
yep I admint it I got it Wrong ah well only 3 months to go and i can then make my other yearly mistake ;-)

Pookie65 said...

I hope and pray that she adjusts well to the treatments. I was MIS-diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago. Turned out it was just the opposite.

Fortunately medical advances have made testing and even administering alot less traumatic than ever.

Doris said...

Oh dear - what challenges as if the Rett Syndrome wasn't more than enough.

I look forward to your take on life when you can manage it.

(((Hugs))) to you all.